We are a proud sponsor of the Mountain Sports Festival


- It is important for the employees with local activities.

This year, the mountain sports festival kicks off for the eighth time. From 17 to 21 February, close to 1,500 people who love skiing and partying gather in and around Sogndal to experience the cream of mountain and fjord Norway.

The festival offers, among other things, guided tours, courses, lectures, films, concerts and competitions on both bicycle and ski. And then Sigrid Henjum will launch her new book.

- This is a festival that means a lot to our region. Even though we have larger national sponsors, it all means that the local companies in Sogn are willing to join the sponsorship, and that so many volunteers show up, says Torgeir Skålid in Bratt Moro, organizer of the festival.


The NTP office premises in Gaupne are located with a view of both Molden and Vorfjellet, and inwards in Jostedalen with Hest towering highest against the sky. You will also find Sogndalsdalen and Turtagrø within easy reach. It is therefore important for NTP to show what the area has to offer, both for employees and friends.

- There is a group of us who are going to the festival, who have taken a holiday and bought a festival pass. It means a lot to us that there are activities, festivals and events where employees can meet outside of work. Especially activities like the Mountain Sports Festival that draws people from all over Norway here and gives us new energy, says Tom Dyrdal.


It is therefore central for NTP to sponsor the festival. Not only with money, but with transfer marks for t-shirts and clothes during the festival, as well as creative ideas for layout and support during the event to apply the logo if they wish.

- NTP has been involved since the beginning, which we greatly appreciate. We are very pleased with the brands we have received. There are a lot of opportunities when using transfer marks, and we are concerned that people will get clothes from the festival that last over time, Skålid points out.

Check out the program for the festival .


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