NTP has new machines and more employees


We will reduce the delivery time considerably and become even better at customer service.

- Last year we had a lot to do in terms of delivery time, so this year we have improved our organization. We have invested in new machines, hired more and structured production a little differently, says Ronny Holen, Key Account Manager.


Holen, who is back in NTP after several years in the Avery Dennison group, says that NTP has invested in several new machines to be able to increase capacity. Machines that can work all night and that free up the capacity of the employees.

- This makes us more efficient. Production is faster and we can increase capacity. This also reduces the delivery time to the customer.

Holen also says that this year the focus is on producing for stock. Large contracts mean that large batches can be produced early in the year, which can be stored at NTP in Gaupne. This prevents production from accumulating over the spring.

Kristin Lien and Tom Dyrdal.

Kristin Lien and Tom Dyrdal.


In addition, the capacity for customer service and customer follow-up has increased. With two new employees, the company is bigger in customer service than ever.

- We want to ensure that our customers receive quick answers and good treatment, says Kristin Lien, responsible for customer service.

Lien says that the goal is to work more closely between the Norwegian and foreign markets. This is to become better at knowledge sharing and to work more efficiently. NTP wants to offer equally good service in all markets, while meeting the different needs.

- For example, a customer like the Norwegian national team requires other tasks than a small construction company, but we want everyone to receive equally good follow-up and be satisfied.


The reorganization from the end of 2015 resulted in a more streamlined production and increased capacity for further growth. The reporting line will be shorter and production will be more flexible. We have organized ourselves better around production, removed layers between operator and top management, and focused on increased value creation. It will be easier to throw around and adjust the capacity as needed.

- We have a shorter distance from idea to implementation. The employees can come up with their ideas and get them implemented, rather than me sitting in an office and thinking something. They have the best knowledge of what should be changed and improved, says Tom Dyrdal, general manager.


In the last six months, NTP has worked with systematic training. All operators have received theoretical and practical training in the field of serigraphy, which means that we are facing the high season with more serigraphs than before. In addition, flexibility has increased significantly as more people have received training in various departments, which gives us a better opportunity to place the resources where the need is.

- With the reorganization behind us, we are now dimensioned to focus on operations and work with many small improvements. This can be anything from placement of tools to organization of operations. Many streams are small, make a big river, it is said. The same applies when it comes to small improvements in our workplace. We want to facilitate a culture of improvement. We will be better today than yesterday, and a little better tomorrow than today, says Adis Cengic, factory manager.


In January, a new innovation center was opened. In the premises in Gaupne, work is constantly being done to develop the products, which are also tested in the test center. This will in the long run provide new products and processes that benefit customers.

- This is a long-term plan to continue developing the next generation of products in Gaupne. We want to be able to change settings, processes and chemical compounds without requiring travel, waiting and external testing, says Dyrdal.

The next step in this process will be to set up a screen graphics center where pupils and students can get an insight into our subject. We want to show what we do and increase interest in the subject, in order to hire more skilled professionals in the future.

In the meantime, we will make sure to do our best to provide you with fast delivery and good quality product.


We are a proud sponsor of the Mountain Sports Festival


- We want to take environmental responsibility to new heights