Lene (20) recommends being an apprentice at NTP


- This is not just a man's job, it suits us women just as well.

Lene Husabø (20) has been an apprentice with Avery Dennison NTP for over two years, and thrives well. She works in the production department in the factory, where the transfer marks are made. The subject is called screen printing, a graphic printing method where the printing ink is printed in layers on a film which is later cut to apply the marks on clothes and textiles.

- It is important to be careful. You have to be picky and follow all the time. It is fun and challenging, and can almost be an advantage to be a woman as we are known for being more accurate, says Husabø.


Lene Husabø (20) went to Sogndal upper secondary school in engineering and industrial production when she became an apprentice at NTP. After two years in the technical department, she continued the apprenticeship scheme in the production department, where she has been since last autumn. When she finishes, she will receive two trade certificates.

- I started at NTP without knowing about the possibility of taking two trade certificates, but eventually found out that the screen printing subject is something for me. There is less dirt on the hands than there can be in a mechanical job, so the work tasks suit me well, says Husabø.

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She commutes from Sogndal, and is glad she has found her way to NTP in Gaupne. There is a lot to learn in an industrial company, in addition to the fact that she is surrounded by people in a good mood.  

- So we are not bored, she says happy.


NTP has three apprentices today, in the IT and production departments.

- We want to bring in apprentices who are qualified for a job further with us. They get a professional manager here, who follows and trains them. After the apprenticeship, they can get a permanent job if they live up to the requirements. We are pleased to have such an arrangement, says Jan Frode Bolstad,

Bolstad is the professional manager for Husabø, and is the contact with the Pro Training Office for process and mechanical industry .

- It is important to point out that there is a lot of exciting things to work with here with us. It is not necessary to have a mechanical background, as long as you have a background with an understanding of industry and corporate culture, says Bolstad.

We are a proud apprentice company, and have a good collaboration with the local training office. If you have a field of study in production engineering, chemistry and process, IT, logistics or industrial mechanic, we want you to take the apprenticeship with us. Get in touch if you want to know more.


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