Tests brands for the whole of Europe

Gladys Olsen (34) shows how she works at the test center.

Gladys Olsen (34) shows how she works at the test center.

- We work hard to maintain a high standard.

As part of the Avery Dennison Group, NTP has one of two centers in Europe for further product development of transfer brands. 

Here, transfer marks are tested on different types of fabric, such as lycra, cotton, suits and robust workwear. The marks are printed on small pieces of fabric, dried and raised for washing. Up to 10 times in a row. Then they must go through a few rounds in the dryer before they are approved. If there are cracks or bubbles in the marks, it is reported down to production.

- It's not just durability we test. We must also see if the brands attract color from different types of fabric under high heat, says Gladys Olsen (34).


When Gladys started in Avery Dennison NTP five years ago, she worked in production. Two years later she started a new test center and laboratory. NTP wanted to further develop and improve its products.

Gladys currently manages the test center. She says they have strict requirements, and that the customer is concerned about high quality.

- We are very proud of what we achieve. This is a good job that I enjoy, she says.


It is often customers who are going to launch a new collection of clothes that make contact. Maybe they should try out the brands on leather or other textiles that may be the challengers to press.

- This is something we will offer all our customers free of charge, and the feedback from them is good, says quality manager Juan Pablo Montoya.

Avery Dennison NTP receives textile samples from the customer and tests the brands that should be on. This is how they work together with the customer to develop high quality products.

- We work hard to maintain a high standard. And customers demand quality. They are willing to pay a little extra to get the durability of the brands.


Gladys came to Norway eight years ago. She found her great love and was willing to leave a town with over 200,000 inhabitants to settle in the small square Gaupne, with just over 1100 inhabitants.

- Olongapo City is a small town, but not as small as here. So I was nervous before I moved to Norway, she admits.

Gladys has not regretted. With a job in NTP and a home in Gaupne, the stepmother thinks they have what they need.

- It is so nice and quiet here, and the people are incredibly nice. We will probably stay here for good.

Read more about Avery Dennion NTP .

- A flexible and good workplace, says Gladys Olsen (34) about the job in Avery Dennison NTP. PHOTO: Daniel Osnes, Adgo

- A flexible and good workplace, says Gladys Olsen (34) about the job in Avery Dennison NTP. PHOTO: Daniel Osnes, Adgo


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