Major contract with FC Barcelona

We produced transfer prints for football kits with names like Messi and Suarez.


We are proud to have FC Barcelona as a customer, a contract we received in March 2015. The contract with Barcelona is our largest since we started a factory in Gaupne in 1988 , and extends over three years.

The agreement will probably secure us a turnover of NOK 10-15 million a year. 

- It is really unnatural that a company in Gaupne can take brands like Barcelona and get big contracts, Tom Dyrdal told NRK Sogn og Fjordane when the agreement with the Spanish top club became known in April.

Until Avery Dennison NTP took over the contract with FC Barcelona, it was a Spanish company that was the supplier. Much of the reason we won the contract is our high-tech machines. With innovative technology and strong expertise in transfer brands , we can deliver goods of the highest quality.

Feel free to become a customer with us too.


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