The Norwegian Ski Association for 20 years

Norway's national cross-country ski team in the 2015/2016 season. PHOTO: Norwegian Ski Association

Norway's national cross-country ski team in the 2015/2016 season. PHOTO: Norwegian Ski Association

Avery Dennison NTP is the official supplier and sponsor of the Norwegian Ski Association. For over 20 years, we have produced brands and sponsor logos for use on ski suits and training clothes for the elite athletes and the surrounding team. 

- We are very proud of the long and good collaboration with the Norwegian Ski Association. We are happy to support Norwegian winter sports, at the same time as we are proud to show that our brands are so durable and elastic that they can match the extreme textiles and strengths we see in the ski arenas, says Dag Hårvik, sales manager at Avery Dennison NTP.

The company in Gaupne, with over 100 employees, are specialists in transfer brands for use on sportswear. They have a long career in the industry and a lot of experience in producing detailed logos in durable quality.

Read more about transfer brands .


The close collaboration with the Norwegian Ski Association makes Avery Dennison NTP a Gold Member, and can call itself an Official Supplier to the Norwegian Ski Association.


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