The festival «Vekao» prints their profile clothes themselves


The 175 t-shirts are made in a classroom at Sogn og Fjordane University College.

The festival is not until the beginning of March, but the t-shirts for the volunteers are already in production. It is Vekao himself who has designed the logo, but it is Avery Dennison NTP who has produced the marks to be printed. 

- We think it's great that our company can help local events. We have worked with Vekao for as long as I can remember, says general manager Tom Dyrdal.


Vekao is a festival for music lovers in Sogndal, arranged by students from Høgskulen. An event that has lived on since the 70s.

In a settlement with around 7400 inhabitants, it is important to leave large traces with a positive sign. Vekao emphasizes that the volunteers should spread joy and make sure that people enjoy themselves. Therefore, the committee puts a lot of work into preparing nice profile clothes. 

- This year's t-shirts are really good. The brands NTP has made for us are very clear. We know from experience that they deliver good quality, so the volunteers get clothes they can wear long after the festival, says Marie von Hirsch, PR manager for Vekao.

This is something NTP places great emphasis on, that they make products that last. 

- There is no doubt that we live in a throwaway society. Because our customers use brands with good quality and nice design, the product goes from «single to multi use». This is an important focus in our environmental profile, Dyrdal points out. 



Von Hirsch is glad they get such good help from the industrial company in Gaupne. This year, they have been able to borrow a heat press from Høgskulen, to be able to print the marks on their clothes when appropriate. 

The heat press is of the type TMH 38 , a manual press that is suitable for small volumes. If the customer has large volumes, or garments that have stricter requirements for temperature and pressure, NTP recommends a heat press with a larger capacity that runs on compressed air. Our best sellers are Transmatic TS5P and Insta 718. For teams, organizations and events that need some merchandise, we recommend contacting our dealers across the country who offer both the sale of our transfer marks and the affixing of logos and marks.

- NTP has helped us choose the right color for our brands, optimized the size and give tips on placement on the t-shirt. Then we printed them ourselves. As students, it is difficult to get a trip to Gaupne during the day. So it's great that we have been able to borrow the heat press with us here, says the PR manager.


Roger Nesheim works as a sales consultant in Avery Dennison NTP, and has no doubt that the market for merchandise, or profile clothing, is growing. 

- We are working on a number of festivals already. And there are many companies that participate in various events and competitions such as downhill races and marathons. They want training clothes with the company logo and preferably something like "up to the top". People are more concerned with quality, and choose brands that can withstand a lot. Our transfer brands are excellent for training clothes with stretch. 

- In addition, we can produce detailed images and offer stylish effects. The level of detail is phenomenal with today's technology. People can actually send us as complicated files as they want, and we will fix it, Nesheim explains.


Do you want to profile your company or event? Read more about our transfer brands , or get in touch .

Some of the logos NTP has produced for various festivals: 


We are now a member of Green Dot


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